We plugged it in! (it's a bigger deal than you might think)
Published on January 23, 2024 by Marjory Glowka Wildcraft

This is a short video update on the almond hulling project.There are wild "almond" trees all over the island. And Puerto Rico has more than enough trees to be almond self-sufficient. And our almond trees don't need millions of gallons of water that California almonds need.  

But the Puerto Rican nuts just rot on the ground. 

 What holds us back from all that tasty goodness?  

A machine to process the almonds. 

 The almonds have a thck husk and then a shell.  After much research to find an appropriate machine, fund raising to buy it, getting it shipped to PR and a zillion other details.... (huge shout out to Laura Daen!)  The machine has arrived.

Then we found out we couldn't plug it in...   but we figured out a work around and wholla!  We are ready to start collecting almonds and figuring out the details of processing and community education.  


 Stay tuned for more updates.