

Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
This Community Builders' project did not reach full funding but project did benefit from the funding provided, so Thank you all for the support. Project Account has been zero out and project willl be part of DonatePR's public archive. All d...
I went to the farmers market in Rincon. I handed out flyers about the project -which was well received. But even more appreciated was the samples of the almonds! Lot's of the local Puerto Rican's agreed they are just like they remeber from...
Almendra Project Update!The PR Almond Self-sufficiency Project is moving along. The short story: Puerto Rico imports literally tons of almonds every year. Yet we have wild almond trees all over the island that produce way more almonds than...
Here is a short update video on the progress to date. We surivved Christmas, the new year, three kings, and several birthdays... Sigh, Puerto Rican family stuff takes up a lot of time... But we've created the first pass on the business plan...
This is a short video update on the almond hulling project.There are wild "almond" trees all over the island. And Puerto Rico has more than enough trees to be almond self-sufficient. And our almond trees don't need millions of gallons of wa...
Wow, 2023 saw us having a much bigger impact on the Rincon community and the island in general. Here s a short video with a summary.Enjoy!
Whoo hoo! the first Almendra machine is coming to Rincon next week. Well actually a group of us will be driving a turck to go pick it up and bring it to it's home here in Calvache. WE ARE GOING TO START PROCESSING ALMONDS SOON!​
Hi Everyone, We have found a location to house the almendar processing machine. Located in Calvache, RIncon, PR. We will have the machine upstairs and build drying racks downstairs for the almonds to dry. It has the necessary 220V hookup an...
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