Creation of Punta Borinquen Natural Park
Fiscal Host: Rescate Playas Borinquen
Restore recreational areas and protect nature.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Creation of Punta Borinquen Natural Park is hosting the following events.
Past event
01:00 PM-04:00 PM UTC
Past event
12:00 PM-04:00 PM UTC
Past event
01:00 PM-06:00 PM UTC
Past event
11:00 PM UTC
Past event
01:00 PM-04:00 PM UTC
Top financial contributors
Lauren Slade
$4,500 USD since Dec 2022
Andre Crabb
$2,000 USD since Dec 2020
Richard B.
$200 USD since Oct 2020
David Denny
$35 USD since Jul 2022
Creation of Punta Borinquen Natural Park is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Creation of Punta Borinquen Natural Park.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #754
Contribution #510
Contribution #371
Today’s balance$6,199.43 USD
Total raised
$6,199.43 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Creation of Punta Borinquen Natural Park
Updates on our activities and progress.
Road Repair!
On August 13, 2024 we started the road repairs to Surfer’s Beach. This included: cleaning the drainage ditch, backfilling the eroded areas, laying down 106 metric tons of asphalt, and strategically placing 3 speed bumps. While we </...
Published on September 17, 2024 by Mario Torres
Surfer's Beach Road Repair
At a cost of $15,588.75, Rescate Playas Borinquen rehabilitated the Road to one of Puerto Rico's most visited beaches Surfer's Beach and Survival Beach. These improvements included cleaning the drainage ditch, backfilling the eroded areas,...
Published on September 17, 2024 by Mario Torres
International Beach Clean Up with Scuba Dog's Society
On September 21, 2024, Rescate Playas Borinquen nonprofit will participate in the International Coastal Cleanup hosted by the Scuba Dogs Society. This is our 10th consecutive year participating at Surfer's Beach. The event will start at 8:...
Published on September 17, 2024 by Mario Torres

Rescate Playas Borinquen is a fully licensed nonprofit corporation under 501(c)3 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code (IRC), and under 1101.01(a)(2)(A)(i) of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code (Código de Rentas Internas); we are registered with the State Department under license number 342308
Our project involves restoring recreational areas and protecting nature for the mutual benefit and security of the general public and the local economy alike, with the end goal of creating Puerto Rico’s North West Ecological Corridor and Visitor’s Center. Specifically, we are in charge of road repairs (beach access improvement), historical landmark maintenance (Historic Spanish Lighthouse Ruins & Naval Buildings), signage and mapping of the area (hiking and trail markers), tree planting (dune restoration), trash and debris removal (beach clean ups), general maintenance (mowing & trimming) and all forms of basic infrastructure, restoration, and beautification to maintain the areas as they are mandated to be.
As of July 31, 2020, Rescate Playas Borinquen has invested $173,855.79 in the maintenance and restoration of the area with 436 events, 3,321 volunteers, and 13,074 labor hours. Let it be emphasized that we do not, cannot, profit from this endeavor. Nor would we ever restrict access to any of the beaches, or charge any access fee to the public, something we consider immoral and illegal. Punta Borinquen, and its adjacent areas, were nominated by National Geographic as one of the top 30 beaches of the world. This area comprises 6 distinct ecological zones, 3 distinct historical periods, is home to endangered and endemic species, and is well known for its recreational and aquatic sports.
Rescate Playas Borinquen started off as a community service initiative by its leader Mario Torres Zamora, a local of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. After years of seeing his community become abandoned and neglected, he chose to stop complaining and start acting! After creating a proposal and waiting for the government to act with no results, Mario attained permission from the local mayor to start the project himself. Capitalizing on his upcoming birthday, Mario created the first event as his " birthday party". He told his friends to "gift" him their time and donate labor hours instead of giving him presents. In 2014 this grassroots initiative evolved into a fully licensed nonprofit and 6 years later, the rest is history!
These areas corresponded to the former Ramey Air Force Base and were at one time kept in optimal conditions, similar to a national park. Once the lands were transferred from the Federal Government to the local government via the QUITCLAIM DEED, they were eventually abandoned. We have been working with letters of permission from the Department of Sports and Recreation (DRD) for over seven years.
With the help of our local Representative Wilson Roman, Joint Resolution 709, was unanimously passed in the House of Representatives & Senate of Puerto Rico, and subsequently signed into law by Governor Wanda Vazquez August 9, 2020. This resolution, effective immediately, allows our nonprofit the co-administrative capabilities to formally maintain the lands.
With the help of our local Representative Wilson Roman, Joint Resolution 709, was unanimously passed in the House of Representatives & Senate of Puerto Rico, and subsequently signed into law by Governor Wanda Vazquez August 9, 2020. This resolution, effective immediately, allows our nonprofit the co-administrative capabilities to formally maintain the lands.
After decades of complete abandonment and decay, these areas became rife with criminal activity, such as human trafficking, drug smuggling, carjacking, prostitution, general acts of thievery, vandalism, and were used as a “vertedero clandestino.” Since our project has transformed the area, criminality has substantially gone down and the area is a much safer place, frequented by many from the general public. Via recreational and ecological tourism to the area, these areas are the motor to the local economy.
Our nonprofit Corporation seeks only to follow the mandates of the original QUITCLAIM DEED for the area as established by the Department of Interior of the United States of America through the 91st Congress, effective September 26th, 1980. This document delineates what should happen in the area and what should not happen in the area and is very specific.
The governmental agencies in charge of these areas have not been in compliance in any way with the Federal mandates of the QUITCLAIM DEED. Rescate Playas Borinquen seeks only to follow and enforce the mandates of the DEED exactly as is stated. Specifically, the QUITCLAIM DEED states the following:
“The property shall not be sold, leased, assigned, or otherwise disposed of...can assure the continued use and maintenance of the property for public park or public recreational purposes subject to the terms and conditions in the original instrument of conveyance. However, nothing...shall preclude..providing related recreational facilities and services...through concession agreements entered into with third parties…The property shall be used and maintained for the public purposes for which it was conveyed in perpetuity...for ingress and egress by vehicle and foot on and over the above-described land until such as the same are dedicated for public….the construction, maintenance, and repair, replacement or relocation and patrol of said utilities.”
Rescate’s undertaking of its work to legally secure the necessary requirements to guard and administer the area, have included the following:
— Between 2012 and 2014, we met on several occasions with the Aguadilla Mayor, Carlos Méndez; in 2012, we met as “concerned citizens” of the community; when we met in 2014, we formally met as a nonprofit corporation.
— On August 27, 2014, we submitted the original proposal for “Punta Borinquen Natural Park” with the Secretary of the then Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. We received a correspondence stating it was being processed from the Secretary on November 20, 2014.
— On December 5, 2014, we submitted to the Municipality of Aguadilla a Petition requesting the maintenance of the recreational areas and road rehabilitation. We attained over 2,232 hand-written signatures from the local community.
— On March 20, 2015, we received the “Acuerdo de Adopción” entre El Departamento de Recursos Naturales Y Ambientales (DRNA) y Rescate Playas Borinquen.
— On May 15, 2015, we received the Federal Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) certificate as a federally recognized licensed nonprofit.
— On August 29, 2017, we received an 8,000+ Signature Petition via change.org in favor of Rescate Playas Borinquen to administer and initiate the establishment of an Ecological Center using the abandoned former Navy Buildings and an ecological corridor open to the public for parks and recreational usage.
— On August 30, 2017, after many correspondences and personal meetings, we were instructed by the Department of Sports and Recreation (DRD) to enter into a “Co-Administration” between said Department and Rescate Playas Borinquen.
— On February 19, 2018, we conducted a site visit with Chief Financial Officer of Legislative Funds of Puerto Rico, Mr. Edwin Nuñez, who was going to award us a block grant of $45,000 & $45,000 to rehabilitate the buildings.
— On March 15, 2018, we received from La Fortaleza a letter of support from the Governor’s Advisor at the time, Lic. Hector Albertorio, in which he stated the following: “Veo que su propuesta está muy acorde con nuestro plan de Gobierno...para que éstos hagan tareas o funciones que el Gobierno ya no puede hacer. De mi Parte lo veo muy bien y contaría con mi respaldo.”
On April 3, 2018, we met with DRD Secretary Adriana Sanchez about finally signing the “Co-Administrative” document previously prepared and promised to us.
On January 15, 2019, we received a correspondence from FEMA Philanthropic’s Division Director, Adam Koons, where he stated he “wants to see us succeed.”
On January 19, 2019, WOLE 12 contacted Sec. Adriana Sanchez where she stated on a television interview that she “was very eager to work with us...and hoped to have the “Co-Administrative” document signed before the summer (2019).”
On May 15, 2020, we received the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) conducted on behalf of The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to Rescate Playas Borinquen’s inquiry as the organization which “intends to maintain the property”.
If this project will come to fruition, this would be the epitome of a win-win situation, protecting the community, the history, the economy, nature, ecology, and the overall welfare of all.
Our team
Mario Torres