Build Strong Roofs and Train Carpenters in Puerto Rico
Rebuild roofs in PR and provide carpentry training in underserved communities throughout Puerto Rico.
Become a contributor
Financial contributions
Act 22/Act 60 Donation
$100,000 USD goal
$0.00 USD raised (0%)
A donation to PROTECHOS INC., a Puerto Rico 1101.01 nonprofit, will count toward your minimum req... Read more
$5,000 USD
Top financial contributors
Lauren Slade
$3k USD since Dec 2022
Steve Goldberg
$500 USD since Dec 2022
Richard Brinegar
$20 USD since Oct 2020
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2023 Reporte Anual PRoTechos
See how money openly circulates through Build Strong Roofs and Train Carpenters in Puerto Rico. All contributions and all expenses are published in our transparent public ledger. Learn who is donating, how much, where is that money going, submit expenses, get reimbursed and more!
Financial contribution to Build Strong Roofs and Train Ca...
from Lauren Slade • 12/26/2023
Financial contribution to Build Strong Roofs and Train Ca...
from Steve Goldberg • 12/14/2023
Financial contribution to Build Strong Roofs and Train Ca...
from Lauren Slade • 12/31/2022
Today’s balance
$2,999.92 USD
~ $2,688.90 USD
Build Strong Roofs and Train Carpenters in Puerto Rico is all of us
Our contributors 7
Everyone who has supported Build Strong Roofs and Train Carpenters in Puerto Rico. Individuals and organizations that believe in –and take ownership of– our purpose.
At PRoTechos, our approach to rebuilding involves working closely with the communities we serve. We network with local community leaders, other non-profits, and municipalities to locate the most urgent cases, and focus on helping residents who do not have the financial resources to hire help for roof repairs. We prioritize homes with children, elderly, or sick occupants.
Depending on the size of the roof and extent of the damage, it can take a team of two to four people between two and 10 days to complete. Rain often interrupts our schedule; for safety reasons, we do not allow anyone on a roof when it is wet. In all, each roof costs an average of $10,000 to complete, including materials and labor.
Carpentry and construction work are done by skilled carpenters and trainees who participate in our Learn and Earn program.